
04 on mbc4
04 on mbc4

04 on mbc4

Hallare AV, Köhler HR, Triebskorn R (2004) Developmental toxicity and stress protein responses in zebrafish embryos after exposure to diclofenac and its solvent, DMSO.


Hagedorn-Leweke U, Lippold BC (1995) Absorption of sunscreens and other compounds through human skin in vivo: derivation of a method to predict maximum fluxes. Archit Environ Control Toxicol 35:391–396 Gruber SJ, Munn MD (1998) Organophosphate and carbonate insecticide in agricultural waters and cholinesterase (ChE) inhibition in Common carp ( Cyprinus carpio). Gomez TM, Spitzer NC (1999) In vivo regulation of axon extension and pathfinding by growth-cone calcium transients. Giokas DL, Salvador A, Chisvert A (2007) UV filters: from sunscreens to human body and the environment. Biochem Pharm 7:88–95įashena D, Westerfield M (1999) Secondary motoneuron axons localize DM-GRASP on their fasciculated segments. Endocrinology 146:2130–2139Įllman GL, Courtney KD, Andes V, Featherstone RM (1961) A new and rapid colorimetric determination of acetylcholinesterase activity. Dev Biol 118:333–342ĭurrer S, Maerkel K, Schlumpf M, Lichtensteiger W (2005) Estrogen target gene regulation and coactivator expression in rat uterus after developmental exposure to the ultraviolet filter 4-methylbenzylidene camphor.

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J Biol Chem 271:4410–4416Ĭrow MT, Stockdale FE (1986) The developmental program of fast myosin heavy chain expression in avian skeletal muscles. Toxicol Sci 73:149–159Ĭoleman BA, Taylor P (1996) Regulation of acetylcholinesterase expression during neuronal differentiation.

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Environ Toxicol Chem 19(12):3024–3031Ĭhow ESL, Cheng SH (2003) Cadmium affects muscle type development and axon growth in zebrafish embryonic somitogenesis. Aquat Toxicol 102:162–166Ĭheng SH, Wai AWK, So CH, Wu RSS (2000) Cellular and molecular basis of cadmium-induced deformities in zebrafish embryos.

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J Cell Sci 118:5181–5190Ĭhen TH, Wang YH, Wu YH (2011) Developmental exposures to ethanol or dimethylsulfoxide at low concentrations alter locomotor activity in larval zebrafish: implications for behavioral toxicity bioassays. Nat Neurosci 5:111īrennan C, Mangoli M, Dyer CEF, Ashworth R (2005) Acetylcholine and calcium signaling regulates muscle fibre formation in the zebrafish embryo. Environ Sci Tech 39:953–962īehra M, Cousin X, Bertrand C, Vonesch JL, Biellmann D, Chatonnet A, Strahle U (2002) Acetylcholinesterase is required for neuronal and muscular development in the zebrafish embryo. Int J Agric Biol 6:2īalmer ME, Buser HR, Müller MD, Poiger T (2005) Occurrence of some organic chemical UV filters in wastewater, in surface waters, and in fish from Swiss lakes. J Exp Biol 202:3397–3403Īnwar K (2004) Toxic effects of cypermethrin on the development of muscle in chick embryo of Gallus domesticus. Taken together, our results have shown that 4-MBC is a teratogen and influences muscular and neuronal development, which may result in developmental defects.Īltringham JD, Ellerby DJ (1999) Fish swimming: patterns in muscle function. Our results also showed reduction in AChE activity upon 4-MBC exposure both in vivo in the embryos (15 μM) and in vitro in mammalian Neuro-2A cells (0.1 μM), providing a possible mechanism for 4-MBC-induced muscular and neuronal defects. Immunostaining of the muscle and axon markers F59, znp1, and zn5 revealed that 4-MBC exposure leads to a disorganized pattern of slow muscle fibers and axon pathfinding errors during the innervation of both primary and secondary motor neurons. Exposure effects were found to be greatest during the segmentation period, when somite formation and innervation occur. Embryos exposed to 15 μM of 4-MBC displayed abnormal axial curvature and exhibited impaired motility. In this study, a high concentration of 4-MBC, which is not being expected at the current environmental concentrations in the environment, was used for the purpose of phenotypic screening. Zebrafish embryos were exposed to various concentrations of 4-MBC in embryo medium for 3 days. To date, little information is available about its neurotoxicity during early vertebrate development. 4-Methylbenzylidene camphor (4-MBC), an organic chemical UV filter, is an active ingredient in sunscreen products. The negative effects of overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation in humans, including sunburn and light-induced cellular injury, are of increasing public concern.

04 on mbc4